Heavy Duty Roof
Sight Glasses
Interlocked Seamed
strong Body
Easy Access

Split Silo

Why Use this Silo

The V-Mac enclosed silo provides so much more than simply storing your animal feed. The galvanized strip body is joined together using an interlocking process which gives a smooth wall finish on the inside while the interlocked seam on the outside gives the body added strength. By continuing the body down to the ground it provides additional storage space underneath the cone.

  • Enclosed cone – Silo body continues down to the ground enclosing the discharge cone and bagging spout. The enclosed area is accessed via a full sized door (2m high, 1m (40 inches) wide.
    • Protects the person bagging from wind & rain – allows you to bag off at any time.
    • Provides additional storage space – you can bag off once a week – leave filled bags in the storage space, close the door and the feed is protected from rodents.
    • If you are connecting augers to the silo you can install your auger motors under the cone – leaving them in a dry and protected area.
    • Enclosed area keeps the silo area clean and tidy – you don’t have bits of animal feed or rubbish collecting around the legs. Everything is kept inside.
  • 12 inch inspection hatch on the roof.
  • Ladder guard on roof to connect ladder.
  • Large inspection window on cone – only available on silos up to 900 cubic feet capacity.
  • Access hatch on the cone (18 inch diagonal).
  • Sight glasses – one on the cone and one on the silo body above the cone. Extra sight glasses can be fitted upon request.
  • Our standard silo has the door hinged on the left (as you look at the door) with the filler and breather pipe to the right hand side.
Approx Capacity Height Diameter
tonnage (cu ft) (cu m) (feet) (m) (feet) (m)
8 450 12.7 20′ 6.1 7′ 5″ 2.3m
10 600 17 22′ 6.7 7′ 5″ 2.3m
12 700 19.8 24′ 6″ 7.4 7′ 5″ 2.3m
14 800 22.6 26′ 7.9 7′ 5″ 2.3m
16 900 25.4 28′ 6″ 8.7 7′ 5″ 2.3m
18 1000 28.3 25′ 5″ 7.8 10′ 3m
20 1100 31.1 26′ 7.9 10′ 3m
21.5 1200 33.9 27′ 2″ 8.3 10′ 3m
25 1400 39.6 29′ 6″ 9 10′ 3m
28 1600 45.3 32′ 9″ 10 10′ 3m
30 1700 48.1 35′ 1″ 10.7 10′ 3m
35 2000 56.6 37′ 4″ 11.4 10′ 3m
All our silos are custom built so that we can ensure that all your requirements are fully met.  Some common extras that customers require include:
  • Painting the silo to match sheds or to meet planning regulations – in either brown, grey or green.
  • For filling loader buckets or half ton bins – extra height under the cone (providing up to 5 foot 6 inches) and double doors (giving 70 inch wide opening.  Alternatively we can fit a 10 inch pipe from the cone through the enclosure wall – this will allow you to fill buckets/barrows etc outside the silo.
  • Auger connections – we can fit auger connections to suit any auger box.  We can also supply auger boxes to your specification in mild, galvanized or stainless steel.  When we fit an auger connection we also fit a 6 inch bagging chute on the cone.
  • Filler and Breather pipes – can be fitted anywhere around the silo to suit your yard layout.
  • Ladder with safety cages can be fitted as required.
  • Extra sight glasses can be fitted as required.
  • Heavy duty lid with Safety Rail can be supplied – this is particularly useful if you are going to fill the silo with a conveyor.
  • Conveyor hatches – can be fitted to larger silos.
  • Hoppers – can also be used to connect to augers.

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Silo Customization

The outlets on your V-Mac silo are at standard height, however we can raise or lower these to suit your particular requirements.  (E.g. some customers prefer the auger connection to be at a certain height to suit their parlour set up.

Double doors (enclosed silos only)
We can install double doors on your V-Mac silo given you 70-inch-wide access under the cone. This can allow you to fill a loader bucket or with extra height give you somewhere to store a Quad!

Again, these are usually on the front right leg of a legged V-Mac silo or on the right of the door on an enclosed silo. However, we can position them wherever suits your particular needs. It is always worth checking to see how the meal truck will access the silo and where is the best position to site the pipes.

We can fit 10-inch pipe installations to your V-Mac silo which can allow you to fill bags, buckets or loader buckets.  The obviously work better with some product, like pellets as against wet mixes like blends or rations.  They are connected higher up on the side of the cone so they will always have to be emptied out of the bottom of the cone.


Sale Process


Sale Consultation

We discuss with you your requirements and spec out the best solution – this is usually done over the phone with our experienced team and we will supply a quote giving you delivered price.

key Questions we will ask include


Order Placed

If you want to progress, the order is placed.


Order Confirmation

We send you out an order confirmation which provides details on the V-Mac Silo ordered and specifications for the type of base required, a method statement for the Installation of the V-Mac Silo and our Safety Requirements for the Silo Installation. At this stage we will highlight any additional information that is required.



When you slot comes up – your V-Mac silo will be made and painted (if required)


Delivery Planning

Our team will call you to schedule a delivery date


Delivery and Installation

Our expert team of Installers will deliver and erect your V-Mac Silo – Its important that you have the installation site clear and ready for the silo delivery and that access to the base and the site is clear and free from obstructions and animals. Installation usually only takes 1 hour for a straightforward installation.